@Miki Jacobsen
At the end of June, an ordinary municipal council meeting for Qeqqata Kommunia was held in Kangerlussuaq. As part of the program, the council visited the viewpoint at Aavitsup Tasia, which marks the border of the Aasivissuit – Nipisat World Heritage Site. This viewpoint is one of Qeqqata Kommunia’s initiatives in Aasivissuit – Nipisat to highlight and protect the area’s unique cultural and natural heritage.
The municipal council enjoyed the good weather on the large bench where they could read about Aasivissuit – Nipisat on the informative signs. Designed by architect Frydenrejn from Sisimiut, the bench and signs give visitors insight into the significance and history of the World Heritage Site.
After the visit to the viewpoint, the members of the municipal council attended an exhibition opening at Kangerlussuaq Museum. The exhibition focuses primarily on Aasivissuit – Nipisat. The opening, which took place on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, was opened with speeches from the museum manager Dorthe Katrine Olsen, Kuka Thomassen Hoffmann on behalf of the municipal council, and Laust Løgstrup on behalf of UNESCO Aasivissuit – Nipisat.
The museum director’s acceptance speech highlighted all the parties involved whose efforts have made the exhibition possible, as well as the foundations that have provided financial support. The foundations are: Augustinus Fonden, Aage V. Jensens Fonde, 15. juni Fonden, tips and lottery funds in Greenland and Qeqqata Kommunia. Afterwards, Johan Lange and Kuka Thomassen Hoffmann, members of the village board, officially opened the exhibition to the delight of those present.
During the opening, artist Miki Jacobsen gave a presentation of his work, which now adorns the museum. The painting depicts the annual cycle and hunting cycle that our ancestors have followed for thousands of years to survive in the Arctic climate.
The day ended with a cultural performance by the Qilaat association from Kangerlussuaq, where children and young people performed a drum dance to the delight of all present.