Sign of the spring
Under monitoring on the Heritage area we can see snowhare, Can you see the hare in the last picture? Enjoying the sun. You´ve oppotunity to see reindeer family too.
Upernalerneranut uppernarsaat
Nunatamik nakkutilliinnermi takussaalerput ukallit seqinermi kissassimaartut. Assimi siullermi takusinnaaviuk? Tuttullu takussaapput piaqqisimasut.
Pilot project to engage Junior Rangers
One of the priority projects in the World Heritage are to engage children and teens to understand the importance to take care of the hunting area.
Piareersaatitut sammisaq meeqqanut Nunatanik nakkutilliinneq
Nunarsuarmioqatigiinnut Kingornusassatut suliassat ilagivaat meeqqat inuusuttullu paasissutissanik tuniorarneratigut peqataalernerulernissaat piginneqataasutullu misiginerulernissaat.
photo: Paninnguaq Fleischer-Lyberth
Park Rangers important job
One of the Park Rangers’ important job is monitoring and reporting the World Heritage area´s condition
Nunatanik nakkutilliissup ulluinnarni suliaasa pingaarnersaat
Nakkutilliissup pingaarnertut suliaasa ilaagaat kingornutassiaqarfiup nunatarujussuata atornerata nakkutiginissaa
📸 George Podaras
#greenland #aasivissuitnipisat #naturebeing #caribou #destinationarcticcircle #monitoring #Kangerlussuaq
Discover the fenomenal bench and informationpoint with a spectacular view at the edge of Aasivissuit - Nipisat border near the inland ice in Kangerlussuaq
Discover the newly opened bench lookout and information center at Aavitsup Tasia (lake) inviting you to enjoy nature and discover fascinating information about the area. A perfect place for both recreation and learning!
Photo by: Christian P. Jerimiassen
Aasivissuit – Nipisat killeqarfiani Aavitsup Tasiani kangiani issiaartarfik paasissutissanik allagartartalik nutaaq, iskkivigissoq alakkaruk.
Aavitsup Tasiata killingani kusanarluinnartumik isikkivilimmi issiaartarfik paasissutissartalik inissisimavoq. Piffimmi nunarsuaq kusarluinnartoq pinngortitallu atorneqartarnera pillugu paasisassarsiorsinnaavutit.
Assiliisoq: Christian P. Jerimiassen
Ilusilersuisoq /Desiged by:
Sofie Frydenrejn Johansen
#greenland #aasivissuitnipisat #naturebeing #Bench #recreation #destinationarcticcircle #viewpoint
New homepage www.inuitheritage.gl
Nittartagaq nutaaq www.inuitheritage.gl
#naturebeing #destinationarcticcircle #aasivissuitnipisat
#Bluebell creates the most beautiful colored jello
#gathering #aasivissuitnipisat #flowers #naturebeing #destinationarcticcircle
Traveling with work has once again been a once-in-a-lifetime experience 🥰
I helped @_frydenrejn setting up the outside exhibitions around Kangerlussuaq Museum for World Heritage Site @aasivissuit_nipisat .
It really took a lot of flexibility and compromise, but I`m so happy that we know each other and feel comfortable working together while respecting and getting along with each other in private.
We got so much help from park ranger @aasivissuit_nipisat and would not have been able to do half of the things without his time and effort.
My mind is in so many places these days, so an intense work week in Kangerlussuaq averaging 12hours work days was really exactly what I needed.
There is still tomorrow, where we need to do some finishing touches, but the experience I have gained the last couple of days is unparalleled.
#aasivissuitnipisat #kangerlussuaqmuseum #sisimiutmuseum #qeqqatakommunia #museum #outdoorexhibition #travel #work
Park ranger for a day!
Yesterday we drove towards the icesheet and saw tent rings and possible children’s playground made with rocks. The ruins, we saw are not investigated by archeologists, therefore not dated or confirmed what they were used as. On the way, we also went so see future information place. We also saw wildlife, caribou, musk ox and arctic hare.
Ulloq ataaseq park rangeriuneq!
Ippassaq parkranger-lu atv-nik sermersuup tungaanukarpugut, takuagut ujaqqat qanga inuit tupeqarfigisimasaat meeqqallu pinnguartarfigisimasinnaasaat. Tupeqarfik takusarput itsarnisarsiuunit misissorneqarsimanngimmat qanga sumullu atorneqartarsimanersoq ilisimaneqanngilaq. Aqqutaani aamma alakkarparput aasaru paasissutissanik ikkussuiffissaq. Aqqutaani aamma uumasut takuagut, tuttut, umimmaat ukalerlu.
#Naturebeing #destinationarcticcircle #Kangerlussuaq #worldheritage